Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If you're like we were....our blog was cute..but in desperate need of a little makeover. Isn't this new design just adorable? !!! Please be sure to visit Blogs by Danielle (click on her banner here on the right...) and see all the sweet 'blog designs' she has to offer! They're adorable and she's very sweet to work with...and best of all...she does everything for you ! So...if you're lacking in computer skills....not to worry!


Kim said...

Love the new blog design, I will have to check her out! Thanks for sharing!
~Kim kandkadopt.blogspot.com

Sheri said...

Looks like you and I have the same great tastes! :) When I told Danielle what kit I picked out, she said that another client had picked out the same kit. How funny is that! She did a great job on your blog. I always love every blog she does.

Looks like you're heading to Guatemala soon. I had seen your site on Myadoptionwebsite, and immediately recognized the pictures here of your daughter. I will definitely check back to see you with your sweet baby girl!