Tuesday, November 18, 2008

One Year ago today....

a sweet baby girl was born in Southwestern Guatemala to a young mother. The baby weighed exactly 6 pounds and was 19 inches long. The young mother loved her baby, but because this young mother lived in a culture where income was minimal...work was scarce...and survival was rough.... she made a difficult decision to give her baby up to a family far away to have as their own. She gave up her baby so that she may have a life people in her country only dream about. She gave up her baby because she loved her. We did not see Ella take her first breath of air....we did not hear her first cry.... but we are so fortunate to see her grow...love...play and laugh in a way that she may never have had a chance to.... We are so grateful that we were chosen as her family and for the choices and sacrifices her birth mother made....

Special thanks to Amy Burke of http://www.drgnflyphoto.com/ for visiting us at our home and taking these sweet pictures !


Pineapple Princess said...

Beautiful post for a beautiful, beautiful girl! Happy birthday, Ella!

Praise God for forever families!


Thistlebrooms said...

Oh Rach, My Heart Goes Out to You...
Thank You MY Friend for sharing this part of your life...
Treasure your Precious time as a 'Forever Family' with the Grace & Beauty Within...
I Wish for You & Yours a Peaceful Loving Holiday...

Jenny Owens said...

I love the last picture. Her version of peek-a-boo is so cute! :)

Ella Marie Boutique said...

Congratulations on Ella's 1 year birthday! Adoption is an amazing gift and I thank our Ella and Joe's mother for giving them to our complete family of 8. I love the pictures and Ella is so precious!

Ella Marie Boutique said...

BTW- Our Ellas are very close in age. Ella Marie turns one on the 29th.