Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Guess what ??!!!!

Yep ! We are officially OUT of PGN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are beyond excited here today !!!!!! Ella's coming home !!!! Praise the Lord !


Thistlebrooms said...

What A JOY Rach for you & Yours...What a lovely way to share your WONDERFUL news with a picture of the boys and their HAPPY faces!!!I'm a Soooooooo Happy for you that you've come so far through all of this...Bless You My Friend...
Always Marilyn

Leah said...

Yahooo! So glad to see you are out! We are hoping we'll be soon to follow. They had done one of the BMI but the other hasn't happened that I know of. Now onto the BC for you. That little girl will be home before you know it now! Your boys made such a sweet picture.

Jenny Owens said...

I love Carter and Cole's signs. I am so happy for you and hope Ella comes home soon!

Jenny Woodall

The Heinrichs said...

Just found your blog! Wow this is awesome news!


Laurie said...

YEAH! So glad for you. Hope you are orange and pink real soon!