~riding 4-wheelers in our hay field behind our house ~
We just had to share some good pics of our weekend ! The boys enjoyed riding their four-wheelers on the farm and managed to get me on the back of the "bigger" four-wheeler. (AKA ...Wendel's four wheeler) I squeeled quite alot and they laughed. They can only ride the larger 4-wheeler with someone else...but I'm not sure it's even safe having me as the chaperone for a trip around the farm.... (heehee !)
We did hear from our agency last week and Ella's birth Mother will be having her interview sometime this week. I've thought alot about her this weekend. I cannot imagine having gone through what she has probably gone through to give this child hope for a better life. We will be forever grateful to this woman we have never met for what she's giving us.
With any luck, we should have some updated good news by weeks end.
Have a great week !