Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday August 21, 2008

Lastweekend, the kids and I headed down to Kilgore Fort House. This is an old historic landmark cabin here in Nickelsville with a wide creek that the boys love to play in. They love visiting the cabin and just playing outside. They usuall always want me to tell them an old story (made up story...) about a family that used to live in the cabin long long ago! They wanted Ella of course to join them in the creek and needless to say, she didn't ! Not because she didn't want to...but because the water was too cold and the rocks were too slick for me to balance on !

Ella is changing everyday ! She is growing so much and really babbling alot now. She can wave bye, say 'da-da' and lights up when Carter and Cole come home from school in the afternoons.
I have been working in the well baby nursery at the hospital for the last two weeks and after taking care of wee tiny 6 and 7 pounders all day...Ella looks (and feels) gigantic when I get home ! She is a good 21 or maybe even 22 pounds now and is becoming more fond of the chunkier baby foods! She is starting to belly laugh when we tickle her under her arms...and it is so funny to hear her !!! She usually makes us belly laugh just listening to her..Have a great weekend......

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hola ! Well..... We all survived the first week of Mommy going back to work ! Ella did so good with her caregiver ! She is growing and doing so much since we've been home. She is now getting up on her knees and scoots on her belly to get her toys. She finally enjoys eating baby food and is eating less of her formula. She weighed 19 pounds 5 ounces at her doctors appointment and all of her blood work came back good. When we first came home she would not let anyone but me hold her and she now will let anyone hold her. She LOVES her Daddy too. She actually prefers him to me now and that has made Daddy SO happy ! We were sitting on the deck and our cat Ivy walked by and Ella said (very plainly) 'Cat'. I squealed and clapped and she hasn't said it since. hee hee ! Until next time....

Friday, August 1, 2008

Ella received some new baby dolls this week ! a potter barn cloth doll we decided to name Carmen, after her wonderful foster mother and an 'Ella minnow pea' Ugly doll named Ox ! Emilyn, Hadley, Aunt Kim and Uncle Steve got Ella her p.b. baby and Uncle Brack and Aunt Jenny got her Ugly Ox ! I can't even begin to tell you how much she loves these dolls !Ella is doing so good now. We feel so fortunate to have been blessed with this sweet baby girl. I can only imagine how much her foster family is missing her right now. I would LOVE to possibly head back to Guatemala in the next few years so that she can see her foster family. Ella is a very easy going baby. She is now letting anyone and everyone hold her ! She hates baby food, prefers table food, and her bottle is the bomb ! I am planning on returning to work inthe next week or two..and I have complete confidence that she will be just fine with her sitter ! Until next time....