Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If you're like we were....our blog was cute..but in desperate need of a little makeover. Isn't this new design just adorable? !!! Please be sure to visit Blogs by Danielle (click on her banner here on the right...) and see all the sweet 'blog designs' she has to offer! They're adorable and she's very sweet to work with...and best of all...she does everything for you ! So...if you're lacking in computer skills....not to worry!

Monday, February 25, 2008

New pics of Ella Rose !

Enjoy the new photos of our Guatemalan princess !

Ella's room....our future firefighter.....and the boys helping Dad on the farm.....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm headin' to Guat .....

In just 12 days I'll get to hold, kiss, and meet my baby for the first time! I can't wait! We'll be posting lots of photos here and our website, so be sure and check back on the 7th ! Brack is going with me and we're really excited to see Ella's birth country.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Our Adoption Journey continues....

Our adoption journey was shaken a little in late November as we lost our dear sweet Samantha Sofia. Her birth mom recanted and now Samantha will stay with her in Guatemala. We were of course, so disappointed that Samantha will not join our family, but thrilled that her mother was able to care for her !

Not long after losing our referral of Samantha...we were introduced to another beautiful little girl in need of a family ! Ironically, her name happened to be 'Samantha Rachel' and she is just too cute for words ! We're changing her name once the adoption is final to Isabella Rose . We'll call her 'Ella'. We, of course, accpted her referral and are currently waiting on Pre-approval ! Things have gone so much more smoothly with this adoption, and we're looking at bringing Isabella home this summer !!! Be sure to follow our journey both here and at our adoption website : http://myadoptionwebsite.com/ourella/index.htm